Starlord - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MiguelCantillo3 · 12055

English / Spanish

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Deck Objective:

The idea of ​​the deck is to improve the basic attack of allies, who can remain on the table indefinitely without taking any derivative damage just like Yondu does. Dealing up to 5 damage with no derivative damage for a simple Bug or Cosmo, or 6 damage to Blade and Tigra.

This idea was included in Star-Lord for its ability to make allies guardians, necessary to include the improvements.


We start with the allies that is the base of our deck:

  1. Blade: does not take any derivative damage.
  2. Bug: after defending with our hero he heals.
  3. Cosmo: with the ability in alter-ego it will not take derivative damage.
  4. Hulk: included in the same way for his great alter-ego combo with Star-Lord, performing 5 damage attacks on his own.
  5. Sentry: also excellent combination with Star Lord.
  6. Tigra: for his healing ability, always remaining on the table.

The improvements included were therefore three copies of Energy Spear and Sidearm. In addition, three copies of As One! were incorporated, avoiding any type of consequential damage. And a copy of Boot Camp and Knowhere, reinforcing the idea of ​​the deck.


Venom was added and Dive Bomb was discarded. Was added for combining well with Star-Lord.

"The new Venom basic ally has 6 HP and Star-Lord's hero ability helps play him. Attack with him, next use Venom's response after every encounter card that phase (the normal one + one from Venom + one from your hero ability), attack with him again next turn - and then Venom's at 1 HP, so defend with him before he ends up drawing you another encounter card. That's potentially 10-15 damage (practically a whole villain stage solo) and a blocked villain attack! Not bad" (written by Villain).

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Objetivo del Mazo:

La idea del mazo es mejorar el ataque básico de los aliados, que pueden permanecer indefinidamente en mesa sin sufrir daño derivado al igual que lo hace Yondu. Realizando hasta 5 daños sin daño derivado para un simple Bug o Cosmo, o 6 daños en Blade y Tigra.

Se incluyó esta idea en Star-Lord por su capacidad de hacer a los aliados guardianes, necesario para incluir las mejoras.


Empezamos por los aliados que es la base de nuestro mazo:

  1. Blade: no sufre daño derivado.
  2. Bug: tras defender con nuestro héroe se cura.
  3. Cosmo: con la capacidad en alter-ego no sufrirá daño derivado.
  4. Hulk: se incluyó del mismo modo por su gran combo en alter-ego con Star-Lord, realizando ataques de 5 daños por si solo.
  5. Sentry: de igual modo excelente combinación con Star-Lord.
  6. Tigra: por su capacidad de curación permaneciendo del mismo modo siempre en mesa.

Las mejoras incluidas fueron, por tanto, tres copias de Energy Spear y Sidearm. Se incorporaron, además, tres copias de As One!, para evitar cualquier tipo de daño derivado. Y una copia de Boot Camp y Knowhere, reforzando la idea del mazo.


Se agregó Venom y se descartó Dive Bomb. Se agregó por combinar bien con Star-Lord.

"El nuevo aliado básico de Venom tiene 6 HP y la habilidad de héroe de Star-Lord ayuda a ser jugado. Ataca con él, luego usa la respuesta de Venom después de cada carta de encuentro en esa fase (la normal + una de Venom + una de tu habilidad de héroe), ataca con él de nuevo el próximo turno, y por último, defiéndete con él antes que termine robando otra carta de encuentro. ¡Eso es potencialmente 10-15 de daño sin Boot Camp (prácticamente una fase de villano completa) y un ataque de villano bloqueado! No está mal" (escrito por el Villain).


Dec 30, 2021 neothechosen · 10648

Pretty cool! I would suggest the addition of Enraged to further enhance the attack power of your allies (which is irrelevant when playing As one!). Also, if you want allies as blockers to protect you, you may consider the new Thor and Throg for their Tough attribute, means they can soak up 2 attacks, or Mockingbird for a stun/block that acts the same.

Dec 30, 2021 MiguelCantillo3 · 12055

Thanks for your contribution neothechosen, but if we include Enraged we would lose Bug or Cosmo with a single attack for the derived damage. And the idea is to keep the allies throughout the game. In addition, it can be defended with the Hulk or Sentry, however, adding other allies I think would make the strategy more difficult. But I'll give it another spin. Thank you!

Dec 31, 2021 neothechosen · 10648

@MiguelCantillo3 Oops! Sorry I thought it was only about As One!! My bad.