Captain Marvel (Justice) vs Mutagen Formula (Expert)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kal · 13

My first Expert win, two-handed with Ms. Marvel (Aggression) vs Mutagen Formula with Running Interference.

Ms. Marvel deck is here.

In the early game give your draws to Ms. Marvel to help her get set up fast, as getting overrun by minions is usually a bigger concern than threat. Use For Justice! and basic thwart actions with Heroic Intuition and Making an Entrance to keep threat under control (and heal a bit of chip damage).

Ms. Marvel likes to change forms a lot, so try to save Spider-Woman and Concussive Blow for the villain when she switches to Alter-Ego form.

Mulligan away everything except your resource/draw generators and one For Justice! so that you can clear the main scheme on the first turn.

Keep threat under control while Ms. Marvel deals with the minions and applies damage to the villain. Build up two 10-point Energy Channels and spend them on the turn Ms. Marvel pops off so that you can defeat the villain's final stage before having to reveal any encounter cards.