Strange's best friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Galdanor · 3

First draft of a deck I'm running through the GMW campaign right now.

The main goal of the deck is to get Wong and Yondu both in play, upgrading them with Honorary avengers into Sky Cycle, and keep upgrading Yondu until he hits like a truck, twice a turn. Wong then becomes whatever you need, twice a turn too : heal, cycling through invocation, tank a hit when he's tough thanks to Seven Rings, or ready strange with Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

General gameplan :

Inspiring presence is here to be able to thwart with Yondu without killing him (once Inspired is up, he thwarts for 3 : not bad at all). It can also heal and ready Yondu when facing direct damage to minions.

One obvious weakness to the deck : the first cycle through your deck can be a bit rough if you first draw everything ally-related without drawing your allies. Two things mitigate that though : Strange's awesome draw / filtering power (Winds of Watoomb / Spiritual Meditation), and the general usefulness of the invocation deck meaning that even if you get really unlucky and draw a dead hand, you can still play at least one invocation (or two if the cloak is out). For now, it has worked great, but I probably didn't play enough games to encounter the worst possible draws. On the other hand, every deck is gonna suck if you have terrible draws, so there's that.

The deck hasn't been fully tested but seems incredibly powerful and versatile (even for a Strange deck). If you have ideas or suggestions, please comment and help me improve it !

PS : Cosmo has been talked about a lot, and is indeed crazy in that deck. We decided to house rule the fact he could theoretically look at the invocation deck for a sure call each time : our group decided Strange really doesn't need help by "abusing" (in our opinion) a poorly written card that we fully expect will have an errata soon enough.

Minor SPOILER below for GMW campaign

Possible changes : this deck has been made specifically for GMW campaign, which without spoiling too much, kind of punishes minion blocking. I chose 0 blocking minions to make the Collector that much easier. For scenarios that don't punish minions that heavily, replacing a few Get Ready or Inspiring presence for your usual allies (Maria Hill, Hawkeye and Co.) would probably be a better idea. I might even regret not taking a few when we get to Ronan (chump blocking + tough on your hero is awesome on his really hard piercing overkill hits).