The Ant that never stops

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lostie · 1

This is the deck I've paired with Wasp Leadership through a very successful Rise of the Red Skull Expert campaign.

After a bit of testing Ant-Man and Wasp's pre-con decks, I felt something was not clicking and I decided to switch aspects, and things just start flowing much more naturally.

To begin with, Ant Man makes much better use of Surprise Attack as he has much more incentive to flip between his 2 hero forms to benefict from their Responses and his helmet.

Then, having most of his allies as Avengers, we can play Earth's Mightiest Heroesto exhaust one of them to allow Ant-Man to ready and be able to thwart and attack (even using Skilled Strike more reliably).

Between Ant-Man's signature cards and the Avenger allies, there's plenty of targets for Team-Building Exercise, so there's no real need for The Power of Aggression in this deck.

You want your helmet in play as soon as possible, as it just helps Ant-Man to remain in hero form flipping between his 2 forms triggering all the Responses from his forms and from the helmet. Moment of Triumph becomes less useful with the helmet in play but it can always be used to play Wasp aggression ally or Valkyrie.

Tenacity is kind of a flexible card in the deck and can easily be replaced by something else.

This deck was an absolute blast to play with and Ant-Man very quickly became one of my favourite heroes to play with. Bring in the power of Ants!