Wasp Stun and Sting (Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wendro01 · 13

Updated: Added Multiple Man and The Power of Protection and removed The Power in All of Us, Spider-Man, & Mockingbird.

Goal is to stun the enemy, block with recurring allies, and use tough cards so Wasp doesn't have to defend and can focus on her attack events. Ironheart is an amazing ally because she draws a card when played and is a resource, so can consistently be reshuffled back into the deck (as can Clea). Nick Fury also helps with card draw and a block (and is also a resource to shuffle back in, if needed). When Multiple Man comes out, he will be amazing with her since he's also a resource, so you can always ensure all copies are searchable in the deck when you're ready to play him (decklist to be adjusted once he's available).

Since resources and card draw are so tough for her, there are lots of supports, and since most of those, along with several of the allies are all basic aspect, I chose to add in The Power in All of Us, since it can be used for Mansion, Carriers, and most allies. That might also change when Multiple Man comes out and a few of these likely get trimmed away.

With consistently having tough cards, stuns, and blocks (and The Night Nurse to shake off stunned and confused), Wasp can focus on playing attack events for damage and thwarting for 3 each turn (with helmet in play), with ability for more burst thwart when needed with her Rapid Growth and Giant Help. Flipping every few turns to cycle in her attack events, Genius, and Ironheart is important. She keeps resources, card draw, attack events, and blockers coming back.

We play 2-player exclusively, so this is not tested for Solo. I seem to do better with her this way than with Aggression, so thought I'd put it out there. This is my first ever published deck list, so I'm way out of my comfort zone here--please be kind. :-)