Ant-Man Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

shoefly · 1

Get Ant-Man's Helmet and change forms as much as possible. Switching between hero forms means always being able to Lay Down the Law. Use your Pym Particles judiciously for cards or heal(don't alter-ego ever if you can help it). Giant Strength is probably your least important signature card. The helmet your most. After that Resize and Army of Ants. Block when necessary, but don't be shy about carrying 5-6 damage(get out that Endurance to give yourself a little more breathing room) and try to keep Wasp around with 2 damage on her instead of just chumping her into villain attacks. You can work out some really big late game shenanigans with Swarm Tactics and Giant Strength if you plan things out.