Ant-Man the True CombatANT

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AlwaysAngryJay · 905

Ant-Man loves to get big and swing big and this deck unleashes some of the heaviest hits Scott has to offer! If you want to ANTagonize villains with a vicious assault look no further.

Just like Scott your deck will look good in red. Aggression offers amazing tools that synergize strongly with Ant-Mans kit. Cheap allies like Hulk and Spider-Girl pull double duty as great blockers as well as helping activate Earth's Mightiest Heroes to allow a fully Giant Strength pumped Ant-Man with Combat Training to strike for a meaty 6 damage in Giant form.

"You'll Pay for That!" offers you some utility for all the healing you get from Ant-Man's Helmet and Pym Particles to aid in Thwarting though ideally this card will be replaced with Surprise Attack when Wasp releases in January. You can also replace these with Skilled Strike for the time being.

Quincarrier helps fuel Drop Kick and Wrist Gauntlets for stuns and confusion. If this card is heavily contested in your party I recommend replacing it with Genius.

Team-Building Exercise helps pay for 13 of your cards and makes it easier to drop those meaty Giant Stomp's.

If you start your turn in Tiny form and have both Resize or one and Swarm Tactics you can proc Giant Strength twice for an awesome +4 potentially allowing you to swing for 8!

Prioritize on finding your Ant-Man's Helmet, Giant Strength's, and Team-Building Exercise's to get the deck rolling. Also don't hesitate to swap between Tiny form and Alter Ego in the early turns to draw more cards before focusing on your Giant form too much. Once you get your helmet then its much safer to end your turn in Giant form because swapping to Tiny on your next turn gets you your missing card you would have had anyway.

Unleash ANTagony and ANTnihilate your foes with this aggressive list. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask any questions below!