Accidental Genius

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Daring Lime · 3533

A Happy Accident

I set out to build a fun and thematic deck, but I accidentally constructed an absolute powerhouse so I thought I'd share. I made a few tweaks to my original draft to make it even more powerful. If you want to see my first draft, you can view it here: It's more on theme and doesn't include Professor X and Moon Girl.


A Simple Gameplan

Wasp's alter-ego ability allows you to shuffle up to 2 cards with printed mental resources into your deck from your discard pile. Toward the end of the game, you can throw in Pinpoint Strike and Wasp Sting to get consistent burst damage on the villain. In the beginning and middle of the game, you can shuffle in Genius, Nick Fury, Ironheart, Professor X, Moon Girl, and Monica Chang to get extreme value. Also, if threat ever gets out of control, you can shuffle in Clear the Area and Lay Down the Law to have good thwarting. Under Surveillance, the confuse from Professor X, and your army of Surveillance Team's make it safe to go to alter-ego, and after a few turns of building, you become unstoppable!

Gameplay Video:

I had a blast playing this deck. I hope you try it and have a good time too! Wasp feels incredibly fun and powerful with this build. Let me know what you think!

Solo Expert Taskmaster -


Mar 02, 2025 NewfieLad · 323

Video is set to private. This looks fun and somewhat similar to a deck that I made:

Mar 02, 2025 Daring Lime · 3533

@NewfieLad I'll check that deck out. The video is scheduled to go live on Monday morning. I posted the deck a bit early just to make sure that it was available for everyone to see at the time the video comes out.