Wolverine…on the defensive…but not really…

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NickE81 · 12

Yes, yes, yes, another 50 card deck. I know, I know, I know, but hey, I can't help myself.

Anyway, having slowly expanded my collection, I thought to review some older decks, this being one.

He's a big softie at heart, isn't he, eh? He likes to take care of others, so let's lean into that and pair him with Protection to see what we can do...

The aim is to beef up ol' Wolvie (Down Time / Endurance / Armoured Vest), so when he takes the brunt of the damage / exhausts his Claws he can stay as hero for maybe a round longer.

I've also tried to make sure he's pretty adaptable so he can go snikt-snikt in retaliation (Counter Punch, Preemptive Strike, Riposte, Side Step, Electrostatic Armour) and have thrown in some thwarting events in there too (Jump Flip, True Grit).

I'm yet to play with this deck; I tend to play solo at home, so I imagine the quantities of some of the cards may shift or even go. Other changes I'd consider; drop an ally or two and I've likely overdone the Resources. I'd think you could shave 4 or 5 cards from this deck with some playing and refinement.

As ever, constructive criticism and advice is welcomed. Thanks.