Triple Threat

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


It's a Jubilee Sidekick deck with all the things you would expect to see but with a fun gimmick.

Jubilee is playing defender for her allies and not using them as chump blockers. The goal is to keep them around and do a lot of the heavy lifting of damage and thwarting. Wolverine is your all star and you want to put as many different upgrades on him as possible, then take advantage of your Command Team cards to get multiple activations with crazy stats, then drop into alter ego to heal him back up. Nothing new there.

The combo of Children of the Atom and Uncanny X-Force is your fun twist. Get both of them out and now all three of your allies get +1 THW and do not take consequential damage from thwarting side schemes. This allows Hope Summers and Gambit to take out side schemes while Wolverine can focus on pouring on the damage.

This is a very lean deck, the 3 Assess the Situation cards will only be used as a resource or to increase your hand size, which is almost like having a 37 card deck. Get your allies out, make them better, turn them into X-Force and toss in the occasional Jubilee superpower cards to assist.

Why Gambit? Because he is often a 2/2 or even a 3/3 who can be made even better with upgrades.

Why Hope Summers? She is a solid 2/2 who can be improved like Gambit, she gains X-Men when Jubilee is in Hero form or Children of the Atom is out (giving her access to Danger Room Training) and you get a Jubilee superpower card when Hope comes into play.

I have found myself not completing Shopping Spree very often when playing this deck. In multiplayer, if there is no plan for completing it, you may want to hold off on putting it into play so that it does not prevent other players from putting out their player side schemes.


Feb 04, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1803

Really cool idea here, not a fan of jubs but I like this