She better be worth it.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dayspring · 273

I tried to capture the team from Second Coming, which is a kind of Yost adjacent X-Force. The tricky bit is Wolverine and Cypher. They are Aspect locked. So below is what i settled on. Jubilee is along for the ride, or just a proxy for Cypher. Hope is along for the ride this time too. Cyke is going with the team. He did send them on a suicide mission, least he could do is join when they ride again. Messiah War

Premise is pretty simple. Get out an X-Men and an X-Force ally. Let Wolverine tank the hits. Start using Mutant Mayhem, squeeze in Wolverine kit cards where you can.

Try and get out some of the heavy hitting supports as available. The biggest bangs for your buck. Children of the Atom (gives you more targets for Mayhem) > Uncanny X-Force > Team Training > Leadership Training (gets Mayhem back into the deck.

Worth it

Jubilee, Hope Summers and Cyclops are unfortunately the only allies with "when played" effects. BUT! I have actually had better luck not focusing on that. I just use Mayhem as a way to refresh/heal the allies I need to. Domino is great as an early ally to help you mill through deck for important cards. Cable is a monster super useful once you get Uncanny X-Force out on the table.

I didn't expect this deck to be much other than an excuse to get this team out there. It actually runs thou. Wolverine has pretty dang good staying power and easy access to piercing. Pretty normal to maintain 2+ allies for majority of the game.


Jan 14, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1803

Love the theme idea here and I love mutant mayhem decks. Good stuff! I built a Wolverine "krakoa era" x-force squad and swapped forge in for sage.

Jan 14, 2025 Dayspring · 273

@Castlefrank47 Thanks! This is my first real venture into Mayhem. Super fun. Needs more playtesting but being able to use Hope to pull up a Regen multiple times was a fun way to keep Wolvie full of health.

Jan 14, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@Dayspring hope is one of the best for Mutant Mayhem decks at least for anyone with superpowers. Love the idea of pulling Regenerative for him.

Jan 23, 2025 Dayspring · 273

Update - had a chance to play this more and it is still a surprisingly fun deck. The ally roster is pretty versatile and you end up keeping allies out for a long time. I did replace Rapid Response with First Aid. Jury is still out on if this is a good play. I think Won't Stay Down can be removed as well.