Spider-Woman Inspired Allies (Wave 1 & 2 Only)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kevix · 13

Note: This deck is only using cards from Wave 1 & 2.

This deck resolves around using the card Inspired on allies that have a lot of HP or other benefits in getting +1/+1 like Tigra or Ronin.

For allies that have a lot of HP, like Brawn or U.S. Agent or She-Hulk one single Inspired gets you 5 extra Damage OR Thwart. It is split up over multiple turn (which can be good and bad depending on the situation) but a 1 resource for 5 damage rate on that is solid/good but one resource for 5 thwart is an insane rate.

For Ronin specifically Inspired gets you 6 extra damage or Thwart for one resource. Lastly, and most important, Inspired on Tigra is just so insane and you can get so much free damage from her over the course of a game it’s almost not fair.

Boot Camp serves as a finisher to get you over the top although it’s not needed every game. Its great again with Tigra.

It’s also nice that Aggression/Leadership are two of the colors for her kit that most effectively uses the Power Of Cards (e.g. The Power of Aggression) because of Pheromones and Venom Blast being 2 cost. If you play her in Justice, Inconspicuous only costs 1 resources so you don’t get a lot of value in playing The Power of Justice.

Jarnbjorn and the third Make the Call are likely a bit superfluous if you want some other slots. Also, note that this can easily be Avengers deck as well by replacing some allies and two other cards with Avengers Tower and Quincarrier.