Cannonball's Run (Legal 2.0)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Cannonball's Run 1 0 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Dayspring · 159

Realized that the allys did not get changed in original release... so I nuked that version. Also incorporated good feedback on including Clarity of Purpose

Ok fine. Cannonballs can't be a sidekick.

This is a legal version, no house rules required. But this has not been tested yet.

Suit Up should still target JetButt, with Psylocke as secondary. Try and stay lean on other allies till Uncanny X-Force can be played and then get Children of the Atom out to play other allies.

Again. I don't expect this to be even a personal top 5 Angel deck... But at least I should be able to make MissleMan a star.

Update -

Ran this with Magneto deck in 2H solo vs Zola w/ Horror mod. Definitely not a top performer. Purposefully chose a Villain with Retaliate to ruin Cannonball's day. Cannonball did a lot of Thwarting (always had 2+ Aerial in hand, and between buffs and readies he was doing 6 to 9 thwart a turn), which allowed Angel to use Metamorphosis to go to Archangel and back to Warren safely. Really got cooking once Psylocke came out.

Needs some more play testing and tweaking. I would say the deck runs, and is fun for a theme, but definitely do not think it is going to become a standard.


Dec 30, 2024 Daring Lime · 2864

Cannonball is fantastic with angel!