Ghost-Spider - Symbiote Smackdown

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Ghost-Spider 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

TheBearDrew · 1

This deck was used to defeat Expert Venom in Weekly One-Shots Challenge 14: Symbiote Smackdown.

Accomplished two-handed with Venom

Having Ghost-Spider do ping damage in the villain phase with all these great protection upgrades is a great way to avoid Venom’s pesky forced response and strip his toughness. Her Phantom Flip and Ghost Kick events were able to remove Tooth and Nail before the additional Hazard Icon could trigger; one less encounter card was so clutch for turn one villain phase. Pirouette and Punch and Web Binding are fantastic at limiting Venom’s additional activations, which in this challenge seem endless!

This was my second play through as the Ghost and now I see why her deck does not include a signature ally, she don’t need no chumps! Silk was there to remove an activation treachery or trigger Spider-Tingle, and Spider-UK was included to curb stomp Enraged Symbiotes before they could attack; neither had the opportunity to hit the table.

This was great fun after multiple attempts true solo: Venom vs. Venom. Protection ferda dub!