The Beasty Boys Hit A Stroke Of Genius

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BoardGameKid · 126

We Gotta Fight... For Our Right... To PROGRESS!!

As you can see this deck is all about the "Beasty Boys" AKA Beast, Moon Girl, and Nick Fury. Recurring these cards is the key to the whole deck. Once you get this engine going you really start to "party". You can get progress counters insanely fast by having Beast enter the battlefield pretty much every turn and get you a Stroke of Genius every single time. This means that you can draw an extra card and put a progress counter on every turn making it easier to get the rest of the band back together. Early game if you just wanna get Stroke of Genius in your hand cheat Beast out with Sneak Attack. Later on use Rapid Response and Regroup to play Beast even more. Once you are Version 3 you can just keep playing Nick Fury and Moon Girl to draw your kit events to do insane amounts of Damage and Thwart. At this stage it is easy to do 30+ damage in a turn.

Cards to Prioritize

    1. Beast. He makes this deck work. Once you get him out he's just always getting you progress counters and cards.
    1. Tony Stark A.I.. This card makes it a lot easier to find Beast and makes sure you're always doing a lot on your turn.
    1. Rapid Response/Regroup. They are consistently letting you get Beast back and get even more cards if you are recurring Moon Girl and Nick Fury.

And there you have it. Now let me get back to listening to the "Beasty Boys".

We Gotta Fight... For Our Right... To PROGRESS


Jul 08, 2024 adsarf · 463

Moon Girl is just so amazing for Ironheart, isn't she? I'd still be tempted to add Strength In Numbers though - you can never have too many cards. With Regroup in play you are going to want to chump block with Moon Girl every turn so building up the rest of your bench wouldn't be hard.

Jul 08, 2024 BoardGameKid · 126

Yeah. You're totally right. Maybe I'll try that. The only thing I worry about is the fact that my allies keep popping and out, so it might be hard to consistently get the three cards. But... I love card draw sooooo... Thanks.

Jul 12, 2024 BoardGameKid · 126

For Multiplayer add "Mission Leader"