Captain Marvel- Unlimited Power

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Carol Danvers is Static Shock ...wait 0 0 0 1.0

revealx · 153

Cpt. Marvel Aggression deck I have been playing around with.

Once the supports are out only has 4 mental resources for Hulk to be potentially discarded, 3 if you have an energy channel in play.

Enraged is there just to try it out and as a physical resource for Hulk. Think it could be good with Nick Fury or any ally bar spider woman, as 1 cost for 2 dmg then you can block earlier with them. Will be a situational card for sure.

Other than that this deck can do a large amount of damage with all the lightning resources in it for Energy Channel hitting 10 should be easy. Along with how quick you can cycle through the deck as Cpt. Marvel.


Jan 23, 2020 Catastrophe · 1

Overall I'm digging this one. Able to stand up to Klaw (expert) and Ultron pretty well in solo. So far, I'm not getting excited about Enraged. In multiplayer, it's working quite well in 2-player games alongside this Cap deck

Feb 05, 2020 revealx · 153

Yeah it's a fun deck for sure I have managed all the villains on expert with it! Beat GG Mutagen by pinging him for one then doing all his hp in one go!