SCL 1603 - Magog scoffs at your control deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

Details for Solo Champions League Season 16, Round 3:

  • Villain: Magog + Legions of Hydra + Longshot + Ship Command
  • Difficulty: Standard
  • Hero: Spider-Woman
  • Aspect: Aggression + Justice, Aggression + Leadership, Aggression + Protection, Justice + Leadership, Justice + Protection, Leadership + Protection, or All Basic
  • Campaign elements:
    • GMW Marketplace Units- Refer to "Available Units" on Season Leaderboard. If this is your first Round of the Season, then 7 Units.
    • TRoRS - 1X Condition Upgrade [Basic] if you add Anti-Hero Propaganda and Medical Emergency Obligations to player deck.

I had 7 GMW market units to spend:

The deck: This deck was built around Global Logistics, Vivian, Blindfold, Spycraft and One Way or Another having a lot of say in which encounter cards you get and making it easier to deal with Magog's attachments or side scheme when they came out so that I would have the best possible control on getting Magog down to 1HP before hitting 10+ champion counters some other way since defeating Magog to get to 10 counters makes him reset to 10HP before the game ends, creating a much worse board state score-wise. Alas, only game 1 went entirely according to plan.


  • Game 1: 5 turns, 1HP on Magog, 20 HP on the hero side. Drew into Grand Strategy on T1 and then played Captain Marvel without activating her. Defeated Magog once (3 champion tokens). Pump Up the Crowd came out and I knew that I had Surge of Aggression coming up as an encounter card so I finished off Pump Up the Crowd (4 champion counters) and left Magog at 2 HP. Going into turn 5 he now had Surge of Aggression so I defeated him, pulled the challenger, pushed Magog down to 1HP and then defeated the challenger to hit 10 champion counters.
  • Game 2: 7 turns, 10HP on Magog, 15 HP on the hero side. Saw all copies of Global Logistics very early and then draw into Legions of Hydra. After cleaning that up, I advanced Magog to pull out the Surprise Contender and then flipped down thinking that I was taking 2 champion counters from Magog and the Contender's attacks or from advancing the main scheme so I might as well get the extra card draw (no Jessica Drew's Apartment sadly). Unfortunately, I also hit Defend the Title so Magog was now at 9 champion counters. Had to take the messy win or risk Magog getting another counter.
  • Game 3: 8 turns, 8HP on Magog, 1 threat on the main scheme, 8 HP on the hero side. Oof this one was messy. Got hit by a Rogue Vessel on T2 where I also had the Milano tapped going into T3. I decided not to clear it and use her healing to deal with the inevitable 3-4 extra damage it was going to do, which turned into 5 in the end. 5 damage for 3 resources not paid seem entirely terrible, but I certainly didn't come out ahead. This one was one that went defeat Magog 3 times to get to 9 challenger counters and then finish it off with defeating the Surprise Contender. Unfortunately I had to clean it as best I could on turn 8 and finish it or else risk losing to champion counters,