She-Hulk Aggression solo fun deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Escopy78 · 13

Hello, everyone:

I love the challenge of playing solo. I was convinced I could make a deck with She-Hulk with aggression. After quite tests and a lot of trial and error, I finally got something decent and, in my opinion, quite fun to play. Considering that I defeated Klaw in expert mode, I think there is a good balance between eficiency and entertainment.

Let's get the clue:


This deck is based on event cards. She-Hulk has a powerful attack attribute and we'll have to use it to turn the balance in our favor. I've added cards that remove minions to focus our attention on dealing damage to the villain. Cards like "You'll Pay for That!" were included to reduce, as much as possible, the threat from schemes. It is essential NOT TO DEFEND with She-Hulk or allies whenever it is not absolutely necessary. You have to try to absorb as much damage as possible. In the early stages of the game, we must improve the possibilities with support cards and upgrades, especially Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier and Focused Rage. Drawing cards in Hero mode is essential for the development of the game. I have kept the cost of the cards relatively low so that they can be played easily. Gamma Slam gains importance in the last phase of the game, when you want to finish off the villain, loading She-Hulk with as much damage as possible. Superhuman Law Division is important as long as the Villain has a strong attribute of threat. Remember not to worry too much when spending resources to improve She-Hulk with supports and upgrates. Don't be afraid to toss quite a few event cards into the discard pile. Once the deck has been turned over you should be ready to deliver the final blow to the villain.

I hope you have fun!