Infinity War Spider-Man Solo, Thematic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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musc9 · 20

I build this deck just because I like a thematic deck. And when I saw the card Save the Day, Go Down Swinging on it is Spider-man art I am super exicited to pull this off with Spider-man and with Sneak Attack, Command Team I am started to form all the cards in my mind at work before I even mess with my deck. Opps! Thats how excited I am. After I tried this deck with multiple plays. Its play style are different from normally how I would play a justice Spider-man in true solo play. Which one of the main concern is thawrting threat especially with a hero with only one thawrt. (All discussion is based on true solo play with standard villains)

So What I am building here is an Avenger Spider-man. Like in the marvel movie play by Tom Holland. Utilizing Sneak Attack to bring out the most expensive Leadership Ally available right now like Captain America cost 6, Captain Marvel cost 5, Giant-Man cost 5, the rest costing 4, Black Panther,Falcon, Iron Man, Goliath, Vision. So you would never be running out of allies. Bring above heroes out with just one cost using Sneak Attack

For example: bring out Goliath then attack with 5 at the villain. Then ready him again with Command Team repeat again with 5 attack at the villain. Goliath ability lets you do +4 Atk with his basic 1 Atk until the end of the player phase. With Just a Command Team setup and Sneak Attack one cost card with Goliath you would be able to do 10 damage at the villain with just one turn. Crazy fun.

Never Forget Sneak Attack can only be work with the ally that shares the same trait with you. In this case all avengers trait ally. Excluding his own signature ally Black Cat. for Back Cat you could bring her out and do the usual thing with her ping 1 damage at enemy with Tough Status card and not take any consequential damage.

I have included total 8 leadership Allies on this deck so you could have high chances of using sneak attack with any one of them. Ofcourse the best way is to use it with the high cost ally to make it worth while. Like Captain America cost 6 and Captain Marvel cost 5, Goliath cost 5, etc.

Lets do another example of Captain Marvel. Again bring her out with Sneak Attack use her enter play ability "After Captain Marvel enters play, discard the top 4 cards of your deck. If you discard a printed lightning resource, deal 3 damage to an enemy. If you discard more than one printed lightning resource, also stun that enemy. Then Attack with 3 at the enemy and ready her with Command Team and now I am going to explain the next two bombs in this deck. Save the Day and Go Down Swinging. Cost 1 and 0 respectively. Save the day if you need to thawrt. Discards ally and use the printed cost to remove threats which is 5. Or Go down Swinging with Captain Marvel with 5 attack to the enemy. In just one turn you could potentially deal the villain 11 damage and stun it too.

When she enters play I am like hearing these words from the movie end game in my head.

Captain Marvel : Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?

I am thrilled to see her when she enters play with just one cost though not so much if its her original cost of 5. I have the same feeling too when Iron Man enters this way. And these lines play in my head.

Tony Stark : I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know that I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14-year-old kid.

Peter Parker : I'm 15.

Tony Stark : No, this is where you ZIP IT, alright? The adult is talking! What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you. And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience.

I really felt like I am Spider-man. (Tom Holland version) Okay I know, I am a marvel movie fanatic. Hahahahah!

One last example here is Captain America with the same approach like above you would be doing at least 10 damage in one turn. if you have not one but two command team. Ready Cap for the second time attack again and finnaly Go Down Swinging with 6 attack. Dealing to maximum total of 12 damage to the villain in a single turn. Bonkers fun!

As for the others 4 cost ally you could play the normal way too. Black Panther enters play with an ability to let you choose an leadership event in your discard pile to bring it back. So you could plan your play in any situation to bring back command team, sneak attack, saves the day and go down swinging. And replay those cards as its in your hand.

This deck is by no way perfect. My first language is not english And if I made mistake somewhere I apologize. Kindly let me know in the comment so I could improve. Thank you for your time.

However said I am having so much fun playing this deck. Its not the strongest deck I have play but one of the best fun times I have playing this deck. It gives me some of the Star-Lord deck feeling. Ya you might have already notice the art on Sneak Attack. What could go wrong? In this case you are getting crazy amount of attack with just one cost with some chance of setting up. Instead of worried about the extra encounter card you would worry about maximizing your turn with the ally because of sneak aatack's ability discard the ally at the end of the players phase. Also gives the the gambler' thrill as you might be running high with threat and not thwarting using the normal way and the thrill of anticipating and ally with sneak aatack and saves the day to removes high numbers of threat. I forgot to mention the way I play Spider-man I like to flip him alot to utilize his 6 hand size and extra mental resources from his alter-ego to setup my board. With 2 ingenuity also helps provides you with extra resources aside from. his own resource kit. And when you able to hit the villain with the above mention combo with an avengers ally ending with go down swinging is just awesome and a nolstagia feelings I had like in the movies. Fun fun fun! I hope you enjoy yourself.

I am not sure if there is deck similar to the above concept which i google here in marvelcdb i haven't found any. But I maybe missed look.

Thanks for your time. Enjoy the deck.