Valkyrie - Air Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I had made this deck a ways back and never played it. I took a look at it and redesigned a bit, incorporating a couple of new wrinkles.

The idea here is for Valkyrie to get Allies and Aragorn into play to then allow Air Supremacy and Cloud 9 to take advantage of all of the Aerial cards in play. Annabelle Riggs and Superpower Training can be used to fish out Aragorn, or if he is already in play, one of her weapons.

Ready for Action and Rapid Response can be used to allow allies to block, freeing up some damage capacity for Valkyrie to use Clarity of Purpose to help pay for cards.


Morlock Siege - (Solo) Standard w/Mutant Slayers, Guerilla Tactics


Morlock Siege - (Solo) Expert w/Mutant Slayers, Guerilla Tactics


Sep 08, 2023 josseroo · 702

Always happy to see folks trying to make Valkyrie work! Angel should provide you with some extra tools for this deck too

Sep 09, 2023 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

I am surprisingly excited for Angel. While he is not a character I have ever been very invested in, his mechanics and the new life he is bringing to aerial characters are going to make for some fun gameplay.