SSS Tier- Solo Speed Setup

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 168

Any war machine player knows the importance of his cards and ammo. Munitions Bunker in particular can get you to setup the end game. Then along came Agent 13 which can double the speed of ammo accumulation. Combined with Shoulder Cannon, you should be able to generate enough damage to end the villain.

So what's the problem? What if the bunker is at the bottom of your deck, or sacrificed for something more urgent? What is the Shoulder Cannon is hiding and won't come out? Agent 14 is expensive, it takes a lot of resources to get her out. She's also only one card that you might not find.

Enter Player Side Schemes. We have an ally, a support, and a player specific weapon upgrade we want out. Call for Backup let's us find an ally and put it in play. Superpower Training let's us find a Identity upgrade and put it in play. Build Support let's us find and put a support card into play. All three of these have a threat of 3 (per player - this is focused on solo). What can handle three threat on a scheme? Our thwart event Targeted Strike.

So we now have 6 cards in our deck to find our 3 specific cards we need. Ideally we end up with at least one in our hand at the start of the game. Ideally Call for Backup since the ally is our most expensive card.

The rest of the cards are allies to help thwart and keep us going until we are ready to destroy the villain, and leadership cards to activate Agent 13 multiple times to activate munitions bunker multiple times.

And if things go the old fashioned way and you get your key pieces into play without the side schemes, we have no shortage of support, upgrades and allies that we can still take advantage of.

War Machine is more of an event-based hero, and wants to flip lots, so Meditation is included as another option to get expensive cards in.

I did also consider Inspiring Presence - but rejected it because it is a hero action, and he Ideally are readying and using Agent 13 in alter ego to charge up the bunker. It can work, but can have awkward timing. I also considered Two Against the World - but it is an expensive hero action. It's another option to consider, but I find it too inconsistent.