Do you feel lucky?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jasonbrown0620 · 250

Well, do ya, punk?

Making your own luck

Getting straight to business, what do you mulligan for?

Probability Field is insanely good. If you can force Jackpot! to the top of your deck (easy to do with Pip the Pug, you can heal for 6 in alter-ego, or you can have regular attacks of 3-5 in hero form.

Domino's Pistols + Sharpshooter allow you to do 4-9 damage every turn at no resource cost. You just have to discard a measly four cards to do it.

Discarded something you wanted in play? The Painted Lady allows you to set that card aside and snap it up when you go into alter-ego form (which I'm doing every other turn). Or, use Pip the Pug to set that card (if it's hero-specific) back on top of your draw pile while in alter-ego.

He's a good boy

Boy toys

You know how life is. As people get older, they grow apart. Domino is on to bigger and better things these days. She hangs out with a new crowd, who I like to call her boy toys.

Beast may not be much to look at, but this nerd knows what a girl likes. He lets you go hunting for Jackpot!, which will really help with our next boy toy.

Adam Warlock is more than just a pretty face. Save Jackpot! for him as much as possible. If it's the only card in your hand, then the "random" card discarded does three damage, removes three threat, and heals Domino (or another identity) for three.

Professor X keeps Domino from getting into too much trouble. He'll confuse the villain so that you can flip down without too much hassle with threat, and he'll even step in the way if the villain tries to get a little too handsy with you.

Venom is a bad boy, and Domino never could resist the troublemakers. In a solo game, he's usually best as just a wild resource for Domino's engine. But in a multiplayer game, he really shines. For the small price of an extra encounter card, he can pop off 8-18 damage over the course of two rounds.

Girls' trip!

While Domino may have outgrown her friends, that doesn't mean she doesn't like to go back to her roots every now and then. Who doesn't need to unwind with an annual girls' trip?

Atlas Bear, Diamondback, Outlaw, and White Fox may not be as great as Domino's new friends, but when Domino hands out with two or more of her old crew, you know she's going to pull an all-nighter with The Posse.

Atlas Bear helps tilt the table a little bit more in Domino's favor by giving a little peak at what is on top of the deck.

Diamondback is most useful when there are a plethora of minions in play.

Outlaw comes in tough as a Texas rattlesnake and takes advantage of Domino's hero ability.

White Fox doesn't have any special ability in play, but getting her into play is practically free, so we'll invite her along.

Loading the dice

With 22 wild resource cards in your deck (plus Strength, Energy, Genius, & Jackpot!), it is next to impossible that you won't be able to tip the odds in your favor using Domino's hero ability.

So, you only need to ask yourself one question: