Thor Hulk of Heroes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Meck71 · 44

This Deck Is Really Bad. Seriously. It isn't good. But, in the event you get lucky and Enrage your hulks, it IS hilarious.

Pump the deck with some extra physical resources to pump Jarnbjorn and Get lucky with Hulk. (Uppercut in as a physical card that allows Jarnbjorn to trigger mutliple times in a turn. For instance: Uppercut for 3, use the axe, basic attack, use the axe which could be up to 13 damage for playing one card with an established board state)

Important to stack resource upgrades/supports as early as possible or you can draw yourself into unplayable hands

It's all about setting up the board state for one or two massive turns(easily 20+ damage) while using Down Time to maximize your Identity Flips since you'll be getting attacked frequently

Pairs well in multiplayer games if you have a partner running a healing-based protection deck or a rapid response leadership deck

Not recommended for solo due to a lack of thwart potential but have had a ton of laughs trying to get this thing to go off

Just for Fun! Smash stuff with fists and hammers with your friends