Marvel Strike/Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

japanimaniac · 27

First some background. I have tried, on several occasions, to beat expert Zola, and, on all of those occasions, I have failed to do so. If I'm not getting overwhelmed by minions, I'm getting schemed out of a victory. And, while I don't think this is the optimal solution but it seemed funny enough, so might as well give it a go.

Premise: Zola's retaliate can be a real health suck, so the less attacks you need to kill him, the easier it is on your dial. My solution, is to never use your basic attack.

Either you'll be thwarting in Tiny form or Guarding in Giant form. Because, if you can play each copy of Brute Force along with Combat Training, and activate both copies of Giant Strength then we'll be at +6 strength for the round. A few rounds of 9 damage Quick Strikes and and Giant Stomps efficiently eat though Zola's HP while preserving yours well enough.

Smash the Problem will also be extremely efficient at burst thwarting schemes and exhausting won't be a big deal because you aren't gonna attack anyways. Army of Ants will also chew through Zola's health with no adverse effect on yours. And Assault Training will allow you to recycle Quick Strikes back into your deck as they really are what makes the deck functional.

Ally's will help manage the wealth of Mutates Zola has at his disposal and were chosen based on their efficiency in this area.

Hopefully this sounds like a fun idea and I would love any suggestions you may have to improve it or cards I may consider adding/exchanging.