Rogue - Back to Basics

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 679

This deck doesn’t need to much of an explanation. It’s chock full of basics and uses The Power in All of Us to get out the more expensive cards.

The whole goal here is to repeat your Hero cards as much as possible, so Mutant Education is going to be your friend.

Deft Focus and X-Gene will help you play the Hero cards easier.

Other notable cards are X-Mansion which pairs with Mutant Education, and since you will be flipping a bunch Moira MacTaggert. Weapon X will help you get more Hero cards, and if X-Men Instruction is in the bottom part of your deck bo us Ally reshuffle.

The rest of the cards are your normal basic inclusions to help build an engine or provide ongoing perks.

This deck has not yet been played, but I’m expecting g it to whomp.


Feb 28, 2023 neothechosen · 11005

Wow, believe it or not, I almost built the exact same list (3 cards are actually different), I just checked before I posted my list, and you already had it before me. great deck! Good job!