Ant-Man: Boosting Morale with Moxie

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Amarethus · 353


This deck utilizes Ant-man's form changing and stats to create a fun way to thwart, or deal out tons of damage. This is done with Morale Boost and Moxie combined with Go All Out or Push Ahead, depending on the situation, and what is needed. To allow for further uses of Ant-Man and these capabilities there is also Ready to Rumble, a simple one cost upgrade that can be used to ready your character after you change form. This is phenomenal when you thwart or attack then change forms to the other hero form allowing you another chance to thwart or attack with the hero. All in All it is very fun.

Have a blast!