Justice Starlord - The X-men Alternate Director

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kharos · 20

This deck aims to harness the power of Star-Lord as Leader of the Guardians but with X-men.


For this purpose, X-men allies are incorporated and with Danger Room they will benefit from a THW and Health boost (gracias a Mission Training.

By default all these allies will also be GUARDIANS thanks to Starlord passive trait. Therefore with Knowhere we will be able to draw cards every time one of them comes into play and increase the number of allies in play by 1 extra.

Events like Game Time will be used to keep allies on the table and to guarantee double activations of the most powerful ones.

When these Allies go to discard, we will be able to search for them thanks to Chance Encounter and we will be able to continue with the never-ending "Thwarting" mechanic through allies.

Several copies of Meditation are included to be able to pay for the most expensive cards in the deck and stablish the board (Allies and Support) quickly and not have to apply the Starlord passive so many times and assign so many Encounter cards.

Being in Alter-ego does not impact us (and in fact, it benefits us) if we do it with good allies on the table that can thwart. Danger Room will buff them as they come into play, and everyone will have at least 4 THW on each activation.

I will be testing new iterations as I see that the deck requires more precision.

It is designed for scenarios where a high intervention is required (3 or 4 players and/or to fight expert villains bosses) and taking into account that we are not looking for versatility but efficiency in thwarting (since the teammates will be in charge of defending us and attacking the villain constantly).
