Phoenix - From the Ashes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ClassyRobot · 5568

Cleared (Solo)

-Expert Magneto with Acolytes (right after Dark Phoenix showed up)

-Expert Ronan with Kree Militants

-Expert Klaw with Doomsday Chair

There is a force somewhere out there in the cosmos that rivals the Power of Cartoon, the Phoenix Force!

This deck is a satisfying and thematic complement to Phoenix’s strong hero deck. It also makes for two interesting phases of play:

1) Building a board of really strong allies as you prepare to 2) Unleash!

Clarity of Purpose coupled with Phoenix resource generator gives you a Spider-Ham esque opening of 2 free resources while supplies last. Cerebro can help you tutor one of your very strong X-Men allies, but more often than not I want Scott to give more Power Counters unless a nasty side scheme needs Professor X to help knock it out.

With Cyke out, you get to do a satisfying combo where you sac him, lose two counters, Unleash your potential, and Rapid Response him back in to keep the counters…counting. It gives a very satisfying and thematic feel of Jean calling out to the Phoenix Force to save Cyclops, saving him and unleashing the true potential. Of course Make the Call is as always, amazing.

Team-Building Exercise might as well be an extra hero card for Jean. Why? Psionic.

Honorable mention goes to Psychic Kicker, as it turns amazing cards like Professor X and Nick Fury into a potential 8 thwart (x) and 6 attack or thwart (fury) respectively, on top of their amazing effects! If you’re a big Colossus fan like me, your ally is hitting as hard as a Hammer Throw and then blocking for you right after. With Rapid Response, you could turn Maria Hill into a 2 card draw 6 thwart or 3 attack (initial atk/ thwart + psychic kicker + Rapid Response) and then chump block or add another thwart/attack.

And that isn’t even the best wombo combo I’ve found. May I present to you…the Wakanda Loop. The Wakombo if you will. What you need is easy. A Psychic Kicker in your discard, Black Panther and rapid response in play. Have you wanted to OTK a villain in solo, with an ally? Play T’challa, give him the Kicker, he swings for 6, goes down, and you discard rapid response to do it all again. Is your Justice player having an issue finding Spidey? Well T’Challa could also thwart for 12 with this combo…with a maximum of 4 different targets. If you can ping the tough he can solo The Dark Phoenix…

And last and certainly not least, good old Bill Foster. Even without RR Bill swings for 12 with Kicker, but with? At least 17.

My main issue when playing? There’s no Iceman ally yet…come on! Just one more for the original 5! Oh…and what is almost assuredly the most painful nemesis that has 2 ways to come out. Other than that? This deck makes you feel like you are an Omega Level Mutant