Spider-Man Boosted Abilities

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Vision19 · 7

This deck was built to boost Spider-Man's best powers: Black Cat and Swinging Web Kick!

To ensure we get Swinging Web Kick at the right moment, we have 2 copies of Plan of Attack and to limit the chance to get 0 Attack events, some were added to this deck.

For Black Cat, we add 2 copies of Sidearm and 1 copy of Boot Camp so she can have boosted attack every turn. Brawn and Sentry are also good target for Sidearm.

I also added few cheap allies (Ironheart and Throg) to take damage instead of our Spider hero.

As for Thwarting, I mainly use allies to do that (Sentry, Snowguard, Agent 13 and Spider-Man) on top of Chase Them Down. Thanks to those allies, it is easy to maintain Thwart at low level.


Aug 09, 2022 Erathis · 16

I like Aggression Spider-Man quite a bit. A few cards that would add a lot to the deck that I notice are missing:

1) Bug. Bug is probably the best ally in any Aggression deck and it's no different here. He's a (generally) permanent ally, just like Black Cat is and benefits from all the same stuff she does (Boot Camp, Sidearm, ect...). Seems like a good swap in place of Agent 13, Snowguard, or Miles to me.

2) Deft Focus/Martial Prowess. Deft Focus is a very specific card in this deck. It only works for Swinging Web Kick but it's still a "resource generating" card to help pay for those pricey kicks. Prowess is just a strong resource generator in most Aggression decks and this one is no different.