Black Panther / Protection - Core Set Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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CardboardChampions · 582

A Black Panter / Protection deck build only with core set cards.

The Black Panther of Wakanda is here to protect the table, and that's because this cat is extremely difficult to put down. With extra hit points, retaliation, and self-healing from his Vibranium Suit upgrade, T'Challa can stay up and fighting for a long time. First Aid and Med Team make our king even more of a dependable anchor that can stay online and soak up damage all day long. The upgrade Indomitable lets him defend others, but a Protection character can't defend for everyone all the time. That's another reason why this deck packs so much healing that can be handed out to your friends. Get Vibranium Suit into play as soon as possible, and stack up upgrades to play Wakanda Forever! while defending and keeping the rest of your team alive.

You can see the rest of the decks from the core set and read more about them in our article.