Sulk Hash!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Logan[CTG] · 6

Built for the Solo Champions League (Justice aspect set, versus Rhino on Standard II with pre-chosen modular).

Hulk has all the damage tools to make quick work of most villains, with his downsides being poor hand-size and inability to plan in hero mode, along with lack of threat removal.

Meditation and Symbiote Suit go a long ways towards fixing his resource issues, and Avengers Mansion and Ingenuity are both decent targets for Meditation, while Quincarrier is a solid use for an early Boundless Rage.

To boot, while Hulk is typically thwart-challenged, in true solo he is able to leverage One Way or Another to great effect with all the side schemes he pulls only putting on 2-3 threat, which are easily handled by allies and sometimes For Justice!, further helping boost his card draw.