Who gave that Strange man a gun?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

maistrechat · 10

This deck was inspired by several conversations about Assess the Situation that happened at Con of Heroes. Having never used the card I was intrigued by what I saw at the Con so I decided to try it out.

The secondary inspiration is to switch out my play style a little bit - I tend to go for a “slow and steady” style pace but a friend likes to go for big turns that swing the entire game all at once so this deck is designed to create that “big turn” experience.

Despite the title this deck in no way revolves around Plasma Pistol, whose inclusion serves basically three purposes.

  1. Because it’s a fun mental image.

  2. To thin the deck so you draw into Master of the Mystic Arts, Magic Blast, Astral Projection, and Protective Ward more frequently.

  3. To deal with toughness/those Mysterio minions that penalize you for excess damage.

It’s all Basic because Dr. Strange really doesn’t need anything more. If it wasn’t for the gimmick I would probably go Leadership and add in Maria Hill and Make the Call but I wanted to keep this pure Basic.