Ant-Man eats the world

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Axen · 16

This deck has beat every basic villains and the full Red Skull campaign in Normal and Expert, easily.

Ant-Man is clearly one of my favorites heroes in the entire game. Playing mostly in solo, his two forms can manage all kinds of crazy situations.

When you go through his deck first, you'll have to priorize his upgrades and supports as much as you can. You'll empower Ant-Man, as well as clearing your deck for the next turns.

Let's focus on some of Ant-Man's best assets :

Army of Ants will grant you a precious 1 to 3 hit points every round. Ant-Man's Helmet will give you more bonuses as you change forms, making Resize even more powerful. And then, Wrist Gauntlets will allow you to stun-fest the villain and secure many rounds (as well as the strong Drop Kick card).

This deck is all about aggression, but it also manage well threat. Thanks to "You'll Pay for That!", you'll have another trick to counter, for example, annoying side schemes.

Finally, you'll be able to heal yourself with cards like Moment of Triumph and eventually optimize your health and recuperation with Endurance and Down Time.

Now, you just have to annihilate your opponents, and have fun !