Black Widow: The Winter Soldier

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

catscatscats · 71

I like building thematic decks based on my favorite movies, and Black Widow has a great build for Captain America: The Winter Solder, which is easily one my top 5 in the MCU. My basic rule is that I can only include allies that are present in the films, and Black Widow leadership gets me almost everyone (sadly, we have to leave Agent 13 behind). Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Falcon are great fits for a pretty standard Rapid Response deck – get the allies out, kill them fast, and bring them back, ideally in the hero phase so Black Widow can ready herself with the Synth-Suit. The expensive allies can be hard to get out, so Team-Building Exercise is included as a failsafe, since all 5 share a trait with either Black Widow or her alter-ego (along with all of her other supports). Getting TBE out on turn 1 can really help everything else take off.