Adam Warlock v3 - cheapest allies, low utilities - added res

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thierry · 2

Was not pleased with the obvious "oath"-like build : good allies with useful abilities. Those were usually way too expensive while Warlock's own cards are way too good to be used as energy. On the other side, you want your hand to be as colored as possible for your ability to be used the best given the current game status. Don't get married to your good cards as they'll be pinched to Adam.

So I went for a cheap alternative with very low cost allies, draw and discard pile manipulation. Just deck yourself the fastest you can while deploying Warlock tools (cape, senses and obviously, Soul World). In the meantime, use your small allies to clean the board and play Adam as if you were playing Protection : block and trick.

So far, tests are OK. Toughest part, imho, is getting the right mindset to play it : discarding good cards, better decking than playing etc. Sometimes, I felt bad playing the way the deck asked for.

Resources (Strenght & Energy) are WiP. This deck lacks some energy boost, especially before toolset (senses and staff) are in play.

After Campaign scenario 2 : The two resources are go!

On the way out list : Quasar, Tigra and Deflection.

3 cost allies are too expensive for this build. 11 Allies may be a bit loaded, it looks like 1 (or even 2) less could be fine. Same for Deflection, too expensive. I'll keep White Tiger as his real cost is perfect^^.

So, WiP : here come Marvel Boy (or maybe Combat Training), Heroic Intuition and Unflapable, Shake it Off or the third Resource card.