The Credible Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroForgeGaming · 2

Hey everyone! So, the idea behind this deck was to beef up Hulk's HP, give him a ton of retaliate, and just kind of really passively play in the villain phase by retaliating and just removing threat with Hard to Ignore. The deck worked exactly the way that I wanted, I was able to beef Hulk's retaliate using his built in Immovable Object, Electrostatic Armor, Dauntless, and then using cards like Energy Barrier to bring the damage down and stay in hero form. It was fun, but I'm not a huge protection player and I just wasn't into playing that passively. Definitely willing to revisit this deck, maybe in an easier scenario (probably shouldn't have tried to break it out against Ultron on Expert mode with the Kang (Master of Time) modular set.