A bit of both...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Strange1 · 1

So, let me begin by saying that so far, this deck is a blast. The general idea is to use anyone and everyone you can to do what you gotta do... Sound like Guardians?

Basically, it is an ally deck, which Star-lord plays to, but it isn’t in leadership. The aggression allies are actually pretty good and easily supported by the basic allies; ...and let’s not forget Boot Camp. At first you may thing that the guardian focused leadership card will do more for you but, that is only the case for thwart and for burst turns on cheap allies. For the long haul Boot Camp is the better, more impactful card. Combine that with Leader of the Guardians and you end up with some truly dumb numbers. A character like Sentry could get up to 20 Attack or 15 Thwart with those cards. Spider-Man gets up to 11 Attack or 8 Thwart from these. The other allies are pretty ridiculous too. In reality, you’ll likely get 2 uses off each ally and have to block with one, two out of every three turns you are in hero form. But that is why they cost so little. Yeah, it’s an extra encounter card but you can scrape by.

So yeah, 13 allies (in this version, I’ve played as many as 15). 7 cards to provide double resources and your Star-Lord ability. Generally you’ll play 2-3 cards per turn.

So, what shall we do next?