Klaw Heroic 2: Iron Man (1 of 3)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 428

The Road to KLAW Heroic 3

Anyone else using Covid-quarantine to chase the FFG Challenge of beating Klaw Heroic 3?

I've been working up decks that can consistently tackle KLAW Heroic 2 to see if those decks can make the leap to Heroic 3.

I'm using a single set of cards, so I'm focusing on 3 player/hand/identity games.

Play this deck alongside the Spider-man and Captain America decks I've also posted with the same title format.

https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/1050/klaw-heroic-2-spider-man-2-of-3-1.0 https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/1051/klaw-heroic-2-captain-america-3-of-3-1.0

What's new here?

For this trio of decks, we are looking to control threat by almost never flipping back to our alter-egos.

Each deck packs an Endurance. The other two sprinkle First Aids, but with Tony's vast resources we're going big with 3x Second Wind.

The higher life totals + the 6 big heals in the deck provide you so much time in hero mode.

Bad card alert: Stark Tower

You won't be Tony for long, so Stark Tower will be best used to fuel Rocket Boots or Second Wind.

Mind Over Matter

Mental resources are the key in this deck instead of the Energy that dominates most Iron Man builds.

Using Mental to go arial with your Punches, Gauntlets, and especially the Helmet is key.

Most good turns look like 2 thwarts with your hero and 2 of these 3 things: an ally, a heal, an arial bombardment. The great turns you did more than 2.

Bad card alert: Repulsor Blast

Repulsor Blast is not the beast you remember from that deck you built called 'Ride The Lighting." It's a resource most of the time or a kicker for Tackle. Expect 1-3 damage and be overjoyed if you get more than that.

GL HF Building Tony's suit quickly lets you thwart hard and provide a ton of support to your squad using 7+ cards a turn. I hope this 3 hero team and this take on Iron Man is fun as you slog out tough wins vs KLAW Heroic 2... and maybe even 3!