My question regarding Miles Morales is... Why? There are so many cool ways he could have been taken, and instead we get a hero card that might honestly be the worst in the game simply because each of his "special" abilities are just game text that should have been on his hero cards to begin with. There is not a single card that utilizes either of them at the same time, so there's no reason for them to be taken off of his other cards and put onto the hero card instead of literally anything else he could be doing. It's an illusion, and not a good one at that. Swing In, for example, could just as easily read "Hero Action (thwart): Remove 4 threat from a scheme. If you paid for this card using a resource, give Spider-Man a tough status card and Confuse an enemy."
Despite how good the Web Warrior tribe got, it's a shame we had to kick it off with this confusing mishmash of "specials"