Ms. Marvel Aggression - Beating Green Goblin Heroic 1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ms. Marvel Aggression 0 0 0 1.0
Ms. Marvel Aggression - Minion Masher - Lee 0 0 0 1.0
Ms. Marvel Aggression - Minion Masher - Lee 0 0 0 2.0
Ms. Marvel Aggression - Minion Masher - Lee 0 0 0 3.0
Ms. Marvel Aggression - Minion Masher - Lee 0 0 0 4.0
Ms. Marvel - Aggression 1 0 0 2.0
Ms. Marvel - Aggression 8 6 0 1.0
Ms. Marvel Aggression - Beating Green Goblin Heroic 1 0 0 0 1.0

zachbunn · 4606

Steven's actual deck from the stream where we finally beat Green Goblin, Mutagen Formula, on Heroic Expert!

You can watch these stream on YouTube.


Apr 20, 2020 gutbomb · 1

Team Covenant! great streams pimps

Apr 20, 2020 zachbunn · 4606

Thanks @gutbomb! Was an incredible session.

Apr 21, 2020 raumzeit77 · 1

What is your use of Get Over Here!? Removing status effects?

Apr 21, 2020 xenotrauma · 1

Definitely got used at least once to strip stun, but it combos with Embiggen for a 0 cost 3 damage hit, which is a great number for minions.

Apr 21, 2020 xenotrauma · 1

Oh, and it's also a free event you can snap back. It sucks when you snap back events that you can't afford to play. Lots of value there.

Apr 21, 2020 Royal_12 · 1

@raumzeit77 for free 3 damage using Embiggen!

Apr 21, 2020 dr00 · 42158

this is pretty much the best you can get with Ms. Marvel atm.

Apr 27, 2020 Polemides290 · 1

Thanks Team Convenient...what my son calls you. Very convenient winning deck for me, at least.

Apr 29, 2020 gustave154 · 22

Took me 10 tries but i did it guys!!

May 08, 2020 JCSpeed1974 · 1

I've never tried aggression with her. I need to try it.

Jun 23, 2020 RvdH83 · 539

Oh, and it's also a free event you can snap back. It sucks when you snap back events that you can't afford to play. Lots of value there.

But the second time you play it, it's only 1 damage. Which is effectively the same as an attack by Ms. Marvel.