Nick "my basic attack does 12 damage" fury

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KOTLPhish · 19

2 base + 4 from Laser Swords and Live Dangerously + 1 from Symbiote Suit + 3 from assault suit form upgrade + 1 from Combat Training given to you by a second player + 1 from Combat Specialist = a 12 damage basic attack. add in a Stick-To-Itiveness and you can do it twice.

Deck also runs ways to handle Orion. He's not elite so both Ambush and Lady Deadpool can defeat him.


Mar 10, 2025 seneca29 · 256

I'm a bit confused. I can't see how you can take Combat Training, because Plot Convenience requires that the card you want to attach to it should come from your hand, and you can't have it in your hand because it's an aggression card.

Mar 11, 2025 KOTLPhish · 19

@seneca29, any player can trigger the ability, so someone else needs to put it in their deck and attach it to plot convenience for you to then take later. As far as I'm aware, nothing stops you from putting the combat training into your hand using plot convenience.

regardless, under further examination, the use of plot convenience is entirely unnecessary, because combat training says it can be played under any players control, and thus does not need to be smuggled into your hand in order for you to get it.
