The Pool Cat - The Result of a Randomized Hero/Aspect

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Olleck · 1

I only made this deck because the champions randomizer told me too. However, reading the cards and thinking a little (I know crazy), I had an idea! The idea here is to play live dangerously, and since Kitty can ignore crisis icons, still be okay. I hope you (yes you reader) can see the vision. However, I have no idea how to deckbuild and have not played this yet (As of writing this) but hopefully it is chill. I do believe more allies are in order, but I will be tweaking this in the future. After I play it a little of course. Feel free to comment suggestions if you also see the vision.

Edit 1: I think what it really needs is more attack and defense events in order to stay in phased form. However, i'm generally not a fan of the basic ones, and 'pool is truly just not a great aspect to me. Especially since cards like Da Bomb don't have the attack trait.