Captain America - Leadership Solo Play

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaseyMalone · 7

First attempt at a True Solo Captain America build! And, uh, wow, he's VERY good!

He cleared the Normal difficulty of all the Core Set Villains pretty handily. Ultron especially was a lot of fun, since I felt like this deck pushes itself to the limit without ever giving up control of the game. Between Hawkeye and Cap's Retaliate, the Drones don't stay on the board for very long, if they stick around at all.

Some cards I can't figure out if I want to keep or not:

  • The Triskelion and Avengers Tower are both good, but maybe I don't need both of them? Avengers Tower, especially, turns off once Maria Hill or Nick Fury come down, but neither of them stick around long enough for the Ally count to matter much.

  • Get Ready seems so good on paper, but I feel like I never use it. Maybe I'm missing a lot of opportunities. Maybe I should swap out Vision for U.S. Agent, who I think would benefit more from being readied after blocking and retaliating, and then these cards would be more valuable.

Anyway, I'm new to the game and trying not to just look at Decklists, since people have probably "solved" each hero given the limited card pool so far, but if you have any general notes I'd love to hear them!