Laser Claws

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neris · 31

This deck was created using the Jedi 'Pool' archetype, its intention is to make Laura's claws even more lethal. Healing Factor with X-23's Claws and the combo (Stick-To-Itiveness + Enhanced Physique) work in synergy.

Using allies like Blade (alternative target for Enhanced Physique or a cheap ally), Vivian helps mitigate symbols or deal with annoying schemes. Bob, Agent of Hydra and Headpool give symbols to the Laser Swords and help with clearing threats and minions without having to take too many risks. Using the combo of the x-23 cards (Claw Mastery + X-23's Claws) in conjunction with the swords and perhaps Combat Specialist (situacional), you can get an explosion of damage.

IPAC and Symbiote Suit are cards that I recommend using in single player despite having a negative effect. But if you don't feel comfortable with them or be in a multiplayer match, a good change would be add Weapon X and Build Support.

Even using cards from the 'Pool aspect, this deck doesn't bother other players that much, making it a viable and fun option in multiplayer.

EDIT:I replaced the resources Self Control and Self Preservation for two copies of Adrenaline Rush.