Avengers, Assemble! - Captain America

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Captain America - Leadership Ally Spam 293 228 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

storasteve · 13

This was one of the first decks I built from MarvelCDB when I first started playing. I've modified it a little here and there, and I think it works great. I do drop Black Panther quite a bit when I need a Mockingbird or something else, but I do keep him in so that I can get a lot of Avengers Assemble! and Lead from the Front activations back to back. Either way, I've done Expert campaigns solo and with friends with this deck, and it works out great. Honestly, ally spam is probably one of my favorite ways to play and this deck really does that for you if you're into that playstyle.