Star-Lord True Solo Leadership Deck for Galaxy's Most Wanted

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Star-Lord - Leadership - Impostor Syndrom 4 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 9

Inspired by Nelson the LivingCardGamer.

Summary: This deck is meant to be played in true solo mode the Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign on standard difficulty. It is meant to be a more or less rush deck. There is no time to build up for anything. You will not have time to field 3 or more allies and thus this deck does not have any cards that increase the limit of allies.

I have played through the Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign with this deck (with the exception of Collector 2, the 3rd scenario) and I played every scenario until I had at least 3 convincing wins for each scenario.

Strategy: Based on the starting cards for the first couple of rounds you will make a decision either to go with Star-Lords own Sliding Shot strategy or you will concentrate on allies and utilise either Blaze of Glory and/or Get Ready cards. Both approaches and a mix of these two all work quite well. I noticed that I used Star-Lords hero side special ability very liberally. You just had to be a bit lucky :)

My favourite use case has been using Goliath with Blaze of Glory, Command Team or Get Ready and then using Make the Call to do this once again or even again... and again. And maybe to top it off with a well played Sliding Shot.

When all this comes together it is very satisfying. However this deck IMHO does not hold up in a longer than 4 or 5 turn game. Or maybe it is just the fact that the whole Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign is just so effing brutal and you want to be done by turn 4 either way and you only pray for a lucky encounter deck draw that will not mess up your whole turn.

The MVP for me in these scenarios has been Goliath and then a close second came mr. Nick Fury.

PS! This deck does not work for the 3rd scenario (Collector 2 a.k.a. Escaping the Museum). It just does not work. For the 3rd scenario I went full ballistic with Justice and its powerful thwarting cards. Link to this deck is here.

PPS! Scenario 5 a.k.a The Should Never Existed Ronan the Accuser is not playable in true solo mode. I tweaked the scenario based on these instructions:

Make yourself a favour and do as mr. Gideon suggests.