X-Men Pool Party

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Chillin’ by the ‘Pool 47 33 8 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

maddox · 180

Nearly a carbon-copy of WebWarriorFanatic's excellent Chillin' at the 'Pool list. All credit goes to him :)

The general idea is to pack the deck with resources to match Iceman's expensive setup, and then spend the rest of the game abusing Utopia while freezing the villain's offense and steadily grinding down their HP.

I added Deft Focus and Hope Summers because we've got a lot of sweet Superpowers in the deck, including the Healing Factor I added to help keep Iceman at full health, to keep those triple Pool resources at max value. I also think Healing Factor synergizes really nicely with the hero kit, as Iceman wants to stay in hero form all game thanks to Ice Slide and Cryokinetic Perception, and I find him frequently defending to block all but 1 or 2 incoming damage. Triage and Tic-Tac-Toe are also great for this.

I dropped Stepford Cuckoos and Get Rage-y from WWF's list. Both perfectly fine cards, but I opted for the aforementioned synergies instead.

This deck was used to beat Thanos on Expert 2-Handed, as part of my Jess and Carol Kill The Marvel Universe campaign.

If playing True Solo, I'd cut Honorary X-Men, as most of its utility in this deck involves letting ProfX/Utopia/Triage target other heroes or voltron allies. I'd recommend replacing it with Blackout to help with Iceman's low thwarting.