My Steel Skin is Buckling

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

F1D · 32

This is my first edit of the original Colossus deck, and one of my first times deck building so here it goes!

I really enjoy the fact that I can do so much, especially protect anybody I'm playing with, with all the tough status effects going on. Now without Build Support, the main focus of this deck is always to get out Iron Will to get your card draw engine started, pairing it with Taunt can give you four cards if you have a tough status.

I really enjoy Protective Training on Shadowcat, giving her six health and she gets to bypass everything? The value is wild for her and her abilities. I enjoy having Perseverance ready in case to give myself double tough status right when I flip to hero. Most of the other cards are somewhat self-explanatory for the deck, but in all honesty you might not even need the main resource cards, and with how much you don't really need energy with Titanium Muscles doing alot of the heavy lifting for you, those can even be cut for most points, other then paying for Polaris and Shadowcat.

This is still a work in progress, and my first write-up! Let me know what you think!


Jun 14, 2024 Daring Lime · 1575

Glad to see you are entering the deck building world! Editing precons to make them fit your preference and style is a great idea!

Jun 15, 2024 F1D · 32

Thanks Daring! I’m really hoping to get some more created as I keep playing! Just got myself a bunch more hero packs, and ready to start crafting!