Blue Black Panther Dripping in Green

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Green Grappler · 33

This is a pretty basic Black Panther Leadership deck I made for taking on the Mutant Genesis campaign (role build with Armored Vest and For Justice!).

I was inspired when someone pointed out how Black Panther's kit does more than just play Wakanda Forever! all the time: his kit has amazing economy (hence the "green" in the title). This deck really builds around that idea, minimizing the number of expensive cards and maximizing the number targets for Shuri and Make the Call.

The consistency of allies pairs nicely with the inconsistency of Wakanda Forever!, ensuring he isn't 100% reliant on drawing it every turn, though he has plenty of card draw to facilitate the typical strategy.

If you have a larger card pool than I (which is pretty likely), you may have better allies or upgrades than I do, so feel free to slot those in; this deck doesn't particularly rely on any of the ones I've included, though Ready to Rumble is helpful for ensuring T'Challa is able to heal upon flipping down.