Hulk - Cannon Ball into the 'Pool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 4974

Fun Hulk Pool deck idea which uses all the metagames to sink resources in and thin decks so you always have something to do with your hand, and if you dont like it, Mulligan it away!

Plot Convenience can help save cards from turn to turn so if there is something you need to save (or lets be honest, save a card to help pay for something later) you can!

Probably not the best deck out there, but who doesnt love Hulk at a 'Pool Party?


Feb 02, 2024 NelsonAllOver · 4974

Totally forgot to add War in this... whoops!

Feb 02, 2024 andyr · 6390

this was a splashing good time ;) . took him up against master mold with doomsday chair. magneto helped, but that was so fun for hulk.

Feb 03, 2024 Lucasumb · 1

Wait! No Cannonball ally in the deck? I feel so misled haha! Great deck as always!

Feb 26, 2024 KyubiiKobi · 14

What about Moon Girl and/or Ingenuity? Due to the alter ego side?

And for a more aggressive feel, what about Symbiote Suit?